- Age:4+ years old
- Organiser:Cambridge
- Subject:English

劍橋小學英語考試(YLE Tests),是由全球最具權威之考試機構,劍橋大學考試委員會所舉辦,評核試共分為3個學習階段(Starters, Movers及Flyers),考獲有關級別可獲合格證書,是一個富樂趣以及全無壓迫性的學習英語途徑。
我們引用優質教學材料及方法。採用英國劍橋大學編制之教科書(Cambridge University Press)並配合其他教材輔助, 構成一套全面互動之教材。
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests are a series of examinations for learners of English. They are designed to be accessible and interesting, and with no pass or fail grades the tests provide every candidate with a reward for his or her efforts. The tests are available at three levels-Starters, Movers and Flyers.
We offer the FLS Cambridge English Course for young learners from 4 to 11 years old. Students will be trained in areas of listening, speaking, reading and writing thus preparing them for the examination. Student will also sit for mock tests to familiarize themselves with the actual test format.
Our experienced native English speaking teachers, all with recognized education qualifications, lead our children to learn naturally through an enjoyable learning process.
We use high quality teaching materials and methodology. Text books from Cambridge University Press are used in the course, together with other supplementary teaching aids to form a very comprehensive and integrated set of course materials.
We have designed 16 classes per level and 1hour per class. Teachers will have briefing time with parents after class to ensure the learning objectives are met as the child progresses to the next level.
Level | Average Age | Cambridge Exam |
Starters Encourage children to deal with four skills-speaking, listening, reading & writing through stories.透過練習, 鼓勵孩子應付四種英語技能——聽、說、讀、寫 | 4-6 | Starters |
Movers Continue to practice the four skills and make learning fun, dynamic and involving以活動及有趣投入的方法使孩子繼續學習以上四種英語技巧 | 6-8 | Movers |
Flyers Comprehensive use of English and mastering of grammar and writing skills廣泛地應用英語,練習文法和寫作技巧 | 8-11 | Flyers |